Recent Raffles

TikTok Raffle
Hold a raffle among users who have commented on a post on TikTok
Configure the raffle
General details
Date of the raffle
Separate prizes by commas or press Enter
Why should you use this raffle?
By conducting the raffle with Échalo A Suerte, you will ensure a transparent and impartial raffle for participants.
What are the requirements to participate in a TikTok raffle?
The minimum requirement for a user to participate in the raffle is to leave a comment on the specified post.
Can I add additional requirements for participation?
Yes, just make sure to add them in the description of your post on TikTok. Once the winner is selected, these restrictions must be manually verified by the raffle organizer. If the winner does not meet the established restrictions, the organizer may generate a new winner.
How do I find the URL of my TikTok post?
Access your post and select the Share option. Then choose the option to copy the link.